About the Event
Our Inaugural “Run 4 Your Students” 5K Run.Walk.Roll and SUPERHEROES vs VILLAINS Warrior Kids 1 Mile Race will be held at Playa Ensenada in Guánica, Puerto Rico on Sunday, February 7, 2021. This year we are honoring local Fallen Hero PFC Reinaldo Rodriguez who gave his life for his brothers in Vietnam. Our event will benefit the following municipalities students Yauco, Guayanilla, Lajas, Peñuelas, Cabo Rojo, San German, Sabana Grande, Mayagüez and Guánica
School Registration Site Coming Soon
This event features AMAZING, FAST RACE ROUTES!
In addition to this popular 5K race, the event includes:
- Virtual Race Option
- Superheros vs Villains Costume Contest
- “Superhero vs Villains” Kids Race – with the following ages and distance:

Kids Ages
0-4 will compete in a 200 meters (Strollers are welcome)
5-7 will compete in a 600 meters
8-10 will compete in a 800 meters
11-12 will compete in a 1 mile (see below for details)
- A Kids Zone full of activities for kids of all ages
- Salute to Veterans – This year we are honoring five local First Responders.
- The PGB Senior Citizens (65 plus) Domino Tournament on Friday August 14th(see below for details) – the top 5 couples will receive monetary prizes adding up to $500.00!
- Vendor/Sponsor Displays
- Food and Drinks for all registered participants
- Awards for the fastest race finishers (individual), biggest fundraisers (individual), and largest group of registrants (Boots on the Ground)
Event Participant Race Bibs
Coming Soon
Kids Zone
The Inaugural PGB “SuperHeroes vs Villains” 5K and Kids Race has been designed as a family fun experience. The Kids Zone is provided free to the kids so they can enjoy Bounce Houses and many games. Parents: bring your kids to the event for a fun time for all.
Domino Tournament
The Senior Citizen Domino Tournament Aug 14th (More information coming soon, stay tuned).
PGB needs your child’s help to design the 2021 PGB Puerto Rico “Superheroes vs Villains” Kids Race Medal. The winner will be awarded $50. So, design away! The design must be e-mailed to
info@PGB1.org by December 15, 2020. PGB will collect the designs and a specially selected 5-person panel will vote on the best design. There are no rules for the design except to keep it clean and that the design should be completely created by a child. The winner will be recognized and receive their $50 prize on 20 December 2020.
$10.00 of each ticket donation raised will go to the school enrolled in the Inaugural PGB “Run 4 Your Students” 5K Run.Walk.Roll and SUPERHEROES vs VILLAINS Warrior Kids 1 Mile Race.
Event Pricing
Race Type Cost
5K – $27.50* before the race.
5K – $30.00* day of event.
5K – Virtual Option $37.50* to cover shipping
Kids Race is Free!!!
Post-Race food and beverages will be provided. All 5K participants will receive a medal at the finish of the race.
Packet Pick-Up and Race Expo
Race Packet, including race bib with Ultra disposable tag, technical t-shirt, and information, can be picked up at our race expo.
- When: TBD
- Where: TBD
Race Maps
Coming Soon
Event Participant Medals
Each registered participant (Including Virtual Runners) will receive a 2021 PGB Run.Walk.Roll Medal!
- 5K Medal
- Kids Race Finisher Certificate
Premios Metalicos
Top 3 Over All (Male & Female)
Note: Special bonus to the first runner who breaks the current 5k record in Puerto Rico
Top WheelChair Male & Female
1-$25 Each
Top Male and Female per Category
1-$25 Each
Age Categories are as follow:
13 to 20
21 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 & up
SuperHeroes vs Villains Custom Contest
1-Top Adult $25 each (Male & Female)
2-Top Kids $10 each (Male & Female) of the following ages group:
0 to 45 to 7
8 to 10
Kids Ages Group
0 to 4
5 to 7
8 to 10
Adult Ages Groups